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How are we going to live?
Generation Alpha (2010 - 2024) marks the beginning of something new. Digital, social, mobile, global and visual - characteristics that will change our lives? This work examines how alphas are shaping the future with their values and behaviors. Are they as different as they claim? A comparison of youth studies from 1953 to 2024 reveals what distinguishes them from other generations and what values all generations share. Interviews with experts shed light on six areas of life and provide insights into future everyday worlds. “How will we live?” is a book that uses design methods to make social developments tangible.
Wintersemester 2024/25
Supervision: Professor Uwe Reinhardt, Professor Holger Jacobs
Implementation: Miro, InDesign, Illustrator
Insights into the process...

Insights into the book

The book as a research report, the thesis as documentation, the booklet as a summary

The exhibition

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